German Sausage Culture
Pepperoni in Brezel shape In German we have the saying „Den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen“, which is equivalent to the English “Can’t see the wood for the trees”, i.e. you cannot see something because you are too involved in it. In my case, I couldn’t see the sausages for the wurst. For at least 24 years of my life, I thought our variety of meat and sausage products was totally normal: various types of pepperoni = “Salami” sliced sausage with mushrooms, peppers, pistachios, gerkin, egg = “Lyoneraufschnitt” smoked ham = geräucherter Schinken salmon ham = Lachsschinken (no actual salmon it it; but the texture reminds of smoked salmon slices) cooked ham coated with herbs, peppercorns or cheese = gekochter Schinken Bratwurst, Weißwurst, Fleischwurst, … Not to mention spreadable sausage products: fine or coarse Liversausage = feine oder grobe Leberwurst tea sausage = Teewurst (no actual tea included!) pâté = Pastete When Tom vi...